News Highlights:
Hina Rohtaki, the journalist, based in Chandigarh, brought into notice the struggles of students in Haryana. The students were unable to access their coursework regularly as their parents could not afford to buy smartphones. Sonu Sood delivers all the students with a surprise. All of them have their hands-on to their studies now.
News Insights:
We all are aware of efforts Actor Sonu Sood made to help migrant labourers during the emergency of COVID-19. The actor is trying hard to deliver the helping hands to humanity and country in all the possible ways.
On 24th July, Sonu Sood was again in the news for helping the man in Himachal Pradesh who sold his cow to buy a smartphone. The man took the bold step to allow his children to access online education and continue with his studies.
The actor put all his efforts to locate the man and transfer enough money to his account so that he can continue with his livelihood. The family had great relief. Neither the children were departing studies, nor the father had to give up on his earning source.

Well, you cannot have enough of Sonu Sood News. This man is going unstoppable. Reading the report of Hina Rohtaki on 25th of August, that declared the children in Morni ( A remote area in Haryana) had to walk several miles for online studies.
They were travelling to the centre point where a person had a smartphone. Children are enthusiastic about the studies, but parents are financially not that strong so that they can buy the smartphone.
Well, within 24 hours of notice, Sonu Sood is again in action. It is 26th August, and all the children have phones at their home. Now, the students can attend their online classes sitting at their home.
Everyone is aware of the importance of and need for education in India. However, only a few capable citizens like Sonu Sood do not merely sit and watch the news at home but are highly action-oriented wherever possible.
Social Pillars’s Say:
We are firmly moved by humanity and the progressive steps of Sonu Sood that he is taking for the upliftment of the society.
It’s very rare to see angels; in reality, he is serving the same role in several lives. Salute to the efforts of a real-life hero who is making an impact with every action.
The team of Social Pillars Volunteers is trying hard to support children with their online education. If you also wish to support, join our platform now to help every child to benefit from their Right to Education. “PADHEGA INDIA TABHI TOH BADHEGA INDIA”
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